Reference from Parents

4 min read
We love to receive feedback from our clients, and their families!  

Just recently, we have been forwarded this reference provided by Sue Bennison, (parent of Amanda) who had written this for Robin Herron who was considering putting his daughter Georgia through the program.

The dialogue below is between the corresponding parents:

How did FirstPointUSA perform?
After our initial meeting with FirstPointUSA, we felt confident about their ability to guide Amanda through the process of Scholarship in the US.
At present we are in the final stages of placing our daughter at a University so therefore one could say "Yes" they have done as promised- although as we understand it FirstPoint USA do not actually 'promise' to place the students but claim to have a past record of 100% placements of those athletes who they choose to accept onto their program.  FirstPointUSA will only accept those applicants who they think are suitable, hence the large number of applicantsversus the actual number of FirstPoint program places offered.

What did FirstPoint USA do very well?

FirstPoint USA presented themselves and their services in an extremely professional manner at the initial meeting/interview.  They have maintained constant contact via e-mail and telephone especially more recently due to the volume of interest that has been generated by US Coaches through the FirstPoint USA website.
During a visit to Scotland (we reside in Cheshire) we made an appointment to meet our consultant at the FirstPoint USA office in Glasgow and we were extremely impressed by the facilities and staff who greeted us.  We had personal assistance with registering Amanda's details onto the appropriate US sites in order to progress her application.

The contents of our meeting were forwarded via e-mail the next day by the consultant for our record.  Our new consultant (Nicola Pitticas) has the advantage of having first-hand knowledge of the US scholarship system as she herself studied at Michigan State.  Although she offers guidance to a range of sports athletes, her specialist subject is in Field Hockey which for us is a very big plus point!
We are especially pleased with the level of promotional media as Amanda has had three sets of video footage completed in different locations in the UK - all of which has been covered in the initial cost.

What did FirstPoint USA do poorly?

During our process over the last 11 months there have been a number of changes of personnel.  The continuity of the application at times has felt a little dis-jointed.
FirstPoint USA seemed to have recognised their in-house problem as we received a letter from the Managing Director assuring us that new procedures were in place.  Since Nicola was appointed as Amanda's consultant, we have seen the application run more smoothly.

Did FirstPoint USA promote you to Ivy League Universities well and how did you feel this was received from the colleges?

Ivy League Universities were never in our target group therefore we suggest that you seek advice from FirstPoint USA regarding this question.

Did you get a range of offers and options at the end of the process?

Amanda has had a total of 9 universities who have expressed their interest.  Most of these were NCAA Div 1 - our target group.  Offers will be formalised in the near future following Amanda's Inspection Trip next week.  She has chosen two Universities to visit and they are funding her trip between them.

How was the guidance through SAT's?

We were given sufficient information but the booking of the exams and location(s) is left for the athelte to arrange.  It is advisable to purchase a SAT guide with sample papers which FirstPoint USA can assist you with.  Most students sit 2 or 3 times in order to gain the highest result.

Did you have to pay full fees up front, and if so, did you get any security in case they stopped trading etc?

Yes we paid fees in full to start the process off. We paid with a VISA credit card.  At no time has FirstPoint USA asked us for additional funds therefore as the adverts say "there are no hidden extras"!

Did you alter any agreement terms from their standard?


Would you recommend FirstPoint USA?

We would recommend FirstPoint USA from our experience so far.  We feel that we have received value for money for the fee paid.

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