Saving The Albion

4 min read
Not many companies have a Managing Director who have written a book..... And not many companies have a Managing Director who have saved a Football (soccer) club!..... Here at FirstPoint USA we are lucky enough that we can tick both of these boxes!... We are very excited to present "Saving the Albion" by our very own Paul Goodwin which he has co-written with Tom Bowser. If you want a piece of history AND the perfect Christmas present, you need to act fast to secure a limited edition copy of this great football read! Reserve your copy today at This is a great read for all football fans, so act fast to secure your limited edition copy!! Also available on, WH Smiths, HMV and Waterstones.

Saving the Albion

In May 2009, the tiny Scottish football club Stirling Albion became an overnight sensation. The Buy Stirling Albion campaign was launched, its organisers asking members of the public to help them to buy the club. From relative media obscurity, suddenly Stirling Albion were in the spotlight and on the verge of making history: were the campaign to succeed the Albion would become Scotland’s first-ever 100% supporter owned club. Chasing the league title on the pitch, Stirling were in turmoil behind the scenes. Week after week fresh crises threatened to force the club into extinction. Would the campaign succeed in raising the funds in time or would the club go under? “Saving the Albion”, tells the story of a remarkable chapter in the history of Scottish football. Written from two perspectives (that of Paul Goodwin, founder and spokesperson for the campaign, and Tom Bowser, a journalist and Stirling Albion supporter), the book is a tale of the hopes and fears. It is a story for every football supporter who has ever wondered how it might feel to watch their club challenge for the title whilst worrying that it might not be around tomorrow. "A story that's refreshingly honest when considering all that warps the modern game elsewhere." Graham Ruthven, The New York Times "At some point we've all wanted to run our own club. This book shows you how uplifting, rewarding and despairing it can be." Phil Goodlad, BBC Scotland  " An absorbing account of how the fans took over Stirling Albion. This is a must read for ANY football supporter."  John Docherty, Sunday Mail  "Scottish football has needed a cleansing, ‘year zero’ moment for years and the fans’ buyout of Stirling Albion was quite possibly it. It wouldn’t have happened without the energy, drive and vision of Paul Goodwin and this book tells the story of the whole campaign in fascinating detail. It shows that magic can happen when a worthy cause is allied to an innovative and far-reaching PR campaign." Andrew McInnes, Freelance football journalist.  "The inside story of a special football takeover, told with skill, pace and dramatic tension. A readable and warts-and-all account of a huge period in a wee club's history. Enthusiasm leaps from the pages, and so does the stress and frustration of dealing with a fog of characters, factions and conflicting interests. Here's what it's like to love and fight for a club when it's on a life support machine."  Michael Grant, The  Sunday Herald  "A genuinely captivating book, which goes behind the scenes of the remarkable story to save a football club. "It recounts the high and lows, the ups and downs, not only of the on-field battle for points, but the off-field battle for survival as well. "It combines the heartfelt frustrations of being a dedicated fan over the course of a season alongside insights into a fascinating boardroom struggle effortlessly." Laurie Hanna The Mirror  Further proof that supporters remain the most important people in football. The Buy Stirling Albion campaign was a victory for passion and perseverance. Graeme MacPherson The Herald  Who would have thought that a football club on its knees would have been the subject of such a protracted, and sometimes bitter, buyout? Paul and Tom have come at this saga from different angles, providing a fascinating account of the tensions and emotions which gripped all those connected with Stirling Albion. Alan Campbell Freelance Sports Journalist  

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