Getting an On-Campus Job

3 min read
No matter how much your scholarship covers of your tuition fees (even if you get a full ride), you will still have to pay for your day to day essentials such as food, toiletries, books, social activities etc. As an international student at an American college or University, you are able to get an on-campus job to help you to top up your finances, and this is something that every student should consider. Check out these Top Ten Paying On-Capus Jobs 10. On-campus alumni affairs This job will involve fundraising, following-up on mailings and working alumni events.  This job presents many fantastic networking opportunities so make sure you don't pass up on the chance to work on the registration table at alumi events! 9. Sports Coach Your University may have opportunities for you to coach in your sport.  Speak to your Head Coach to find out what opportunities are available. 8. Summer Camps Sign up for one of the many summer camps and work for a couple of weeks during the term break.  Good money can be made here! 7. On-campus career services Working in career services can help you to become familiar with the job hunting process and comfortable with talking to employers and recruiters. You may also hear about internship opportunities or networking events you may have otherwise overlooked. 6. Writer If your career path is steering in the direction of media or communications, why not try working for the college paper or any other campus publications.  Rather than waiting for a job posting, you're better off contacting the publication directly to ask if they are looking for any additional staff. 5. Waiter or waitress Some students make the mistake of thinking this does not look good on their CV, but it is a great way to develop your customer-service and team-building skills which employers love to hear about! 4. Social media consultant Check with your University to find out if there are any opportunities to help with their social media networks.  This is becoming more and more important, and Universities need brand awareness just as much as retailers! 3. On-campus IT support If you are computer savvy, why not use your skills to gain some real-world experience right on campus! Check with your University to see if they require any one to diagnose and solve technical problems for other students and teachers, as well as installing and setting up computer systems on campus. 2. Recreational Facilities Check out jobs that are on offer in and around your Universities sporting facilities.  A great way to earn extra cash, and work in an athletic environment would be to get a job in the university gym or become a lifeguard in the pool. 1. On-campus tour guide: By showing prospective students, their families, and alumni around the University grounds, you'll undoubtedly improve your speaking and presentation skills.  It will also give you the opportunity to learn more about your school and may present key networking opportunities.  This role would look great on a CV, as it demonstrates maturity - a University would only put someone in that role if they could trust the student to represent the institute in a positive and mature way!        

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