Agony Al

2 min read
This week, Agony Al shares his advice for Alice, who is struggling to trust her long-distance boyfriend...   Agony Al, my boyfriend and I have been together for 6 years throughout High School and made a pact that we would stay together despite us both going to different universities this Fall.  He is the only guy I could ever imagine myself with.  However, every time I call his dorm room a different female voice answers the telephone.  He assures me that it’s either his roommate’s girlfriend or a new study mate of his, but should I really trust him?  What’s should I do?  - Alice, Cincinnati   Alice, So you’ve been with this guy for 6 years and you are asking me if you should really trust him? Agony Al remembers making silly pacts in high school. They didn’t last long. You’ve got your whole life ahead of you and new people to meet. I suggest you don’t get tied down too early.  Plenty of time to settle down in later life. You're Welcome, Al xxx  

Is something troubling you that only Agony Al’s advice can solve? Get in touch on Twitter through @AgonyAl or comment anonymously on this blog post with your queries and Al will be sure to respond. And who knows, your question could be featured next week on our blog!


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