Top Tips For Exam Studying

3 min read
Give Yourself Plenty of Time Giving yourself plenty of time to study before an exam means that you will have enough time steadily retain the information you are studying.  It also means that you will be able to talk to your tutors about anything you are unsure of and avoid the last minute 'cramming' panic that I'm sure we've all experienced at some point!   Study Little and Often Similarly, by leaving enough time, you'll be able to study in short regular blocks, such as 20 minutes a night, rather than a solid 7 hours worth, where you're less likely to remember or 'absorb' what you are studying. Index Cards For each subject you have an exam for, write out a set of key facts on index cards, that will prompt you to remember the information behind the topic.  When in the exam, you will remember the bullet point on the card and trigger the information behind the point. Index cards are also handy to take with you when travelling to and from college, or travelling to games.   Put it in Your Own Words Putting it in your own words, or paraphrasing, is a great technique to help you really understand your exam prep. By translating terms and getting rid of jargon, you are more likely to remember what you are learning, especially if it is about a complex subject.   Start with the hardest Stuff Start with the most challenging sections and move on from there. There is no point studying material that you are confident you know. A quick review to make sure you remember everything is enough.   Listen to Motzart 'Certain types of music, like Mozart's compositions -- which follow a 60 bpm pattern -- have been shown to activate both the right and left sides of the brain in listeners. Stimulation of both sides is linked with increased recall, and so listening while studying can help increase the likelihood that you will retain relevant information.' - Huffington Post   Study Groups Everyone has different strengths and weaknesses, and by studying in a group, you will be likely able to help others and get help with aspects you find difficult to grasp.  In addition, you will be less likely to avoid studying as people will be relying on you to turn up!   Manage Your Time Scheduling is essential during the weeks (or, days..!) prior to exams, as before you know it, your time will have disappeared! In a bid not to go insane during this stressful period, make a realistic study schedule for yourself. Make sure to leave enough time for breaks (as we mentioned earlier, it's important to take them), and be sure to prioritize according to which class you'll need to study for the most. Alternate Study Spots Earlier this year, the New York Times explained that rather than sticking to one study spot, you should switch things up when reviewing for exams. By doing this, you will be less likely to get a mind blank when in the exam hall as you'll be used to the different environments.   Did You Know... According to some, just 20 minutes of cardio a day can help improve your memory. So being a student athlete will already mean you are at an advantage!  

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