Agony Al: Calming Your Nerves Before an Important Game

2 min read
Are you nervous about playing at our upcoming Soccer Showcase? Agony Al's got some advice for you! Thank you to Adam for this week's question... Al, I'm playing in the Showcase this year and I'm absolutely buzzing about it but I'm just so nervous about playing in front of all those coaches. It's the biggest thing I've ever done and what I've been working towards for years but I'm just worried my nerves will get the better of me and I'll screw up... Adam   Hey Adam, Don't be nervous, everyone will be feeling the same on the day, just go out there and play your own game. Think to yourself that in the future you'll be used to playing events of this size and even bigger! Have confidence in your own ability. During your showcase match, get on the ball as early as possible and keep things simple, that will be sure to settle your nerves down and you'll soon grow in confidence. Most importantly, enjoy the Showcase and use it as an opportunity to make new friends and talk to coaches and the FirstPoint USA team. Last year was my first Showcase to work at, and I was nervous too. Just remember, in the words of the late, great Bob Marley - everything's going to be alright!  

Is something troubling you that only Agony Al’s advice can solve? Get in touch on Twitter through @AgonyAl or comment anonymously on this blog post with your queries and Al will be sure to respond. And who knows, your question could be featured next week on our blog!


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