Exercise Throughout Summer - Tips to Beat the Heat

3 min read

Athletic departments understand that weather plays a significant part in the success of events. Rain, wind, and visibility contribute to reduced or improved crowd size. Weather similarly impacts indoor sports due to travel. But few present the physical harm to athletes as does temperature. With the summer months here, we've put together a list of tips for beating the summer heat, and still meeting your health and exercise goals.

Early Morning/Late Evening

College athletics has been described by some as the 'front porch' of the university. If athletics is such, national television exposure plays a significant role. Unfortunately, television and conferences have put television ahead of the safety of many fans. Early season football games and late season baseball games at midday times make attending games unbearable for some. Fortunately, you have the option of picking the time you want to exercise. Exercising in the morning or evening helps you avoid the heat of the day. Choosing between the two is up to the individual.

Campus Indoor Facilities

Indoor facilities like tracks, recreation centres, and weight rooms are plentiful on campus. When dealing with the heat of the summer, these facilities are key to your continued health development and safety. If facilities are available, use them. Indoor training isn't enjoyed by everyone but putting yourself at risk outdoors isn't worth it.

Cool Clothes

The college sports scene has become more colourful in the past decade. Every university has created their take on an alternative jersey. Although most fans notice the colours, clothing function has evolved due to reactive fabrics. These materials react to body temperature and sweating. Moisture wicking clothing is one such innovation. A great way to beat the heat is to keep up with the latest technological clothing. The days of hot cotton shirts are gone. Upgrade your clothing whenever possible.

Listen to Your Body

During, or after exercise at high risk times like in the summer, your body may feel ill, sick, dehydrated, or injured. Older adults, infants, young children, and people with chronic conditions are more susceptible to heat illnesses. Also, out of shape people are vulnerable. Keep in mind that medications can decrease your ability to cope with heat. Listen and follow your body's messages. A healthy lifestyle comes with certain risks. Outdoor exercise is one of those risks. For your safety, take precautions. Exercising during the cooler times of day, using indoor facilities, wearing functional clothing and listening to your body are great ways to decrease the hazards of the summer heat.


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