Welcome to FirstPoint USA - Eamyn Oueslati

3 min read

We’re pleased to welcome the newest soccer player to our ranks here at FirstPoint USA, Eamyn Oueslati. Eamyn was born in New York but has been living in Antrim, Nothern Ireland for a number of years. Here, he attended Slemish College Ballymena, where he is currently preparing for his GCSEs. Eamyn is now looking forward to securing a soccer scholarship out in the US, we got in touch to learn a bit more about him and what he is most looking forward to about life as a student athlete.

Eamyn has had a successful soccer career so far, including being named Managers Player of the Year 2014-2015 at Antrim Rovers; both Managers Player of the Year (RU) and Players Player of the Year (RU) 2015-2016 at Carniny FC; and winning the Foyle Cup Vase with Carniny FC in 2016. Additionally, Eamyn was also selected for the School Boys District Soccer Team in 2016. With such a successful sporting background, Eamyn has had many highlights in his soccer career so far, but tells us his favourite has been winning the Foyle Cup with Carniny FC in 2016.

[caption id="attachment_11226" align="aligncenter" width="345"] Eamyn currently plays for Carniny FC[/caption]

“It was a great experience as we went and stayed in a hotel as a team, we played a match daily and ended up taking silverware home.”

Eamyn tells us he was drawn to the idea of studying out in the states because they have some of the best colleges in the world for education. But, Eamyn also tells us that returning to the US is something he has always wanted to do as he still has family and friends out there. With regards to being a student athlete, Eamyn is most looking forward to living the life of an athlete; training intensely and having opponents from all around the world.

 We often ask our clients who their top three sportsmen or women of all time are; Eamyn had this to say…

[caption id="attachment_11227" align="aligncenter" width="445"] Eamyn's number one sportsman - Cristiano Ronaldo[/caption]

“Firstly, Cristiano Ronaldo, who inspired me with his great skill and technique whilst on and off the ball. Secondly, Sergio Ramos, for his well timed tackles, his ability in the air and leadership skills. I also look up to him as a great example as we play the same position. Thirdly, Wayne Rooney, for his ability throughout the years and his long time dedication to the club.”

Finally, we asked Eamyn where he sees himself in 10 years time. He told us he hopes to be playing in MLS soccer league.

We would like to wish Eamyn the best of luck and we will keep you up to date on his soccer scholarship progress through our various social media platforms.

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