Kai Maynard has recently committed to a soccer scholarship at Coastal Bend College, Texas. We recently caught up with Kai to hear why he wished to study in the states on a soccer scholarship, how he found the scholarship process, and what he looking forward to upon living and studying in the US.
Kai states that in 2015 he visited the US and instantly fell in love with the country; in particular, the culture, the people and the surroundings. It was because of this that Kai wished to get himself out to the states, so he felt that a scholarship would be the perfect way to do this. Stating, “it’s truly an opportunity of a lifetime that opens so many avenues for my future.”
Regarding the process of securing a scholarship, Kai tells us that he found the process very simple as he was able to contact us at FirstPoint USA if he was confused or unsure about anything. “Especially in regards to the Visa itself. I recall myself being stuck on a section so I contacted FPUSA and within the next day they gave me the information that I needed to carry on the process. Another thing that's nice is that they were always checking in, making sure that you are on course with your progress and not falling behind with anything. I was very pleased with FPUSA and the amount of help they offered.”
[caption id="attachment_11595" align="aligncenter" width="608"] Coastal Bend College - Auditorium[/caption]We asked Kai what it was that made him choose to attend CBC opposed to another college. He stated the biggest factor that drew him in was the competitive side of the school. Kai tells us, Coach Byrd is very dedicated and is focused 100% on being the best, and grabbing ahold of a national championship. “I knew that if I really wanted to push myself and be the best I could be; I knew I had to go to CBC. To me, it was just destined to be.” However, Kai tells us that the location of the school also enticed him to attend as Texas is somewhere that he has always wished to visit. Enriched with a great culture and a wide history, Kai states this will be excellent to experience throughout the duration of his scholarship.
Kai tells us that upon beginning his scholarship, he is most looking forward to being the best he can be, both on and off the field. As well as this, he is looking forward to meet a wide range of people with varied backgrounds, and making new friends. Kai states he is also excited to experience what an American college is like for a scholarship athlete.
Finally, we asked Kai where he sees himself being in 10 years time; he states he would like to have fulfilled his dream of becoming a pro in the MLS and hopes to be playing for Toronto FC. However, if not, Kai tells us he would like to be working within Law Enforcement and still living out in America.
We’d like to wish Kai the best of luck for his time at Coastal Bend College and we will keep you updated on his progress through our various social media platforms.