The majority of FirstPoint USA staff were given the opportunity to go out to America on Soccer Scholarships. During their time in the USA they were privileged enough to play at some amazing facilities, and visit some beautiful campuses. We asked our staff which universities they visited had the best sporting facilities and the nicest campuses:
Andrew Kean
Andrew played for Cincinatti, Ohio, and says the best facilities he has played at would be at Stanford University. He also was so impressed that he chose also Stanford to be the best Campus he visited.
Nicole Montoya & Barry Neville
Both Nicolle and Barry played for Binghamton University, New York, and both say the best facilities they played soccer at was Penn State University. Nicole would say the nicest Campus she visited whilst living in America would be the University of Notre Dame, but as our American Girl has been spoilt for choice over the years, she feels she would have to also put the US Naval Academy in her answer too. Barry chose West Virginia University as the best campus he visited.
John Paul Boyle
JP went on a soccer scholarship to Hartwick College in New York and says the best facilities he played at were at Penn State University, and the best campus he has visited was The University of Washington.
James Beggs
James played soccer for the University of Mobile, Alabama, and chose The University of Mississippi as the best facilities he played at. James Also said that the best campus he has visited in the states would be UNLV.
Simone Enrici
Simone attended Martin Methodist College in Tennessee and says the best facilities he has played at would be University of Alabama Birmingham and the best Campus he has visited would be University of Washington.
John Crawley
John played for the University of Las Vegas and for John this is the best facilities he has played at. The best Campus that he has visited would be University of Sandiego.
Kevin McCann
Kevin went to Xavier University in Ohio and says the best facilities he played at was St Louis University and the best Campus he visited was Virginia Tech
Liam McGrath
Liam went to the University of Memphis and chose Memphis as the best Campus he has visited. He also said the best facilities he played at were at UNLV
Do you think you have what it takes to secure a scholarship to study & play in the USA? Apply now!